Twitter Supports Antifa’s Terrorism

The True L(l)iberal
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

I quit Twitter today. Probably good for many reasons, but one in particular — they supported Antifa profiling and threatening me.

Antifa labels and targets people for violence. Members say that they only target Nazis — that they only exists to protect vulnerable communities from imminent violence. This is not true, and should be obvious to any honest person.

Each time I have engaged with Antifa members, I have been labeled a Nazi. Considering their vow to violently attack Nazis, their label targets me for violence. This is exactly what happened to me on Twitter over the past couple of days.

A thread popped up on my newsfeed, showing an argument some were having with Antifa members, and their commitment to violence. I added my voice saying that Antifa wrongly targets people, like me, for violence. The conversation went on about the value of Antifa’s violent disposition, and eventually, again, Antifa labeled me a Nazi to defend themselves against my criticism.

The Antifa members also started to datamine me online. First, letting me know they knew my profession, then claiming to know who I voted for (they claimed I voted for Trump), then finally linking my phone number with the threat, ‘You shouldn’t fight with Antifa, if your personal information can be found online.’ I was also informed that challenging Antifa would bring violence to “my front door.”

The link they used to ‘expose’ my phone number for their ‘antifascist’ defense was my anti-racist blog.

I reported this activity to Twitter, and they were fine with Antifa members profiling and threatening me on their platform. As I am sure they are fine with Antifa doing the same to so many other innocent people.

Is it because Twitter sees itself politically allied with them? Would Twitter have reacted the same way if it were a Nazi group linking my phone number as a threat?

Whatever the case, it is clear that Twitter’s values support Antifa’s aggressions under their community code of conduct. As such, I no longer value Twitter.

Twitter is down one peaceful anti-racist in their community, and has made more space for those who spread violence.



The True L(l)iberal

What you don’t know can hurt others. B.A., B.S., International Politics, International Agriculture, Sustainable Community Development